London Borough of Waltham Forest
Soho Theatre Walthamstow
Project Stats
Project Story
Project Brief
We are proud to be working in partnership with London Borough of Waltham Forest to deliver the £26m refurbishment of Walthamstow’s Grade II* listed former EMD Cinema into a multi-purpose entertainment venue and cultural hub, Soho Theatre Walthamstow. The project was procured via the Procurement Hub framework.
At the point Willmott Dixon Interiors commenced work on this historic building, it was on the Theatres at Risk Register. Due to the archaeological and architectural significance of the building, great care and attention has been given from the outset. During the planning stages of the project, a considerable amount of recording was carried out by London Borough of Waltham Forest, Historic England and from the original Architect for the project. Assessments have been carried out to identify and separate the building into areas of significance. Photographic records were also taken and salvage strategies documents have been produced.
This once derelict building will be transformed and will become the hub for live entertainment within the heart of Walthamstow.
Project Solution
The transformation of this building has all been undertaken with close consultation and collaboration with London Borough of Waltham Forest’s Conservation officer, Historic England and our internal Design Team. We have used a range of digital systems including 3D surveys and cloud point surveys to record ornate ceilings and wall finishes, so once covered and adapted with the new design, all information has been accurately recorded. BIM / Dalux construction management software systems have enabled us to preserve the records for long-term survival, which has been well received by all parties.
The transformation of this building will ultimately deliver a 1000 seat live performance venue with restaurant, cafe and bar areas. Furthermore, many historic features such as the Ziggurat ceiling and heritage arches originally design by Architect Cecil Masey will be fully restored, for visitors to enjoy for generations to come.
Project Outline
On completion, all heritage features of the Grade II* listed building will be fully restored. This will provide:
- Bringing a derelict building in the heart of Walthamstow back to contemporary standards.
- A lively historic entertainment space, with modern facilities.
- Significant energy efficiencies from the installed voltaic solar panels and new energy efficient façade.
- Three new office spaces.
- This theatre has now been removed from the ‘Theatres At Risk’ register

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Project Team
Consultant Team
Project Manager: London Borough of Waltham Forest
Architect: Bond Bryan
Quantity Surveyor: Aecom
Services Engineer: GDM Partnerships